Per administration costs include BOTH caregiver and youth assessments. Please contact for purchasing your school account. (Please note: This special pricing is not available online)
The self-administered versions of the KSADS-COMP is currently only available for research.
Per administration price includes both parent and youth assessment. Prices are subject to change. For industry-sponsored and multi-site research studies, school district contracts, and large-scale clinical uses, contact for pricing information.
Request a free 30-minute consultation with Dr. Kaufman to learn about the use of the KSADS-COMP Tools.
These comprehensive evaluation tools generate billable reports that assist with referral, treatment planning, and clinical documentation.
Mental health diagnoses and treatment planning cannot be initiated with a survey of symptoms alone.
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KSADS-COMP has automated data capture features and generates diagnostic and symptom reports instantaneously.
Available in English, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, and Korean, with additional languages coming soon!
The K-SADS is the most widely used and well validated diagnostic interview for children and adolescents.
The web-based KSADS-COMP instruments were developed with funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH), and are currently being used in many large-scale research projects in the US and abroad.
I also want to tell you that we are very positive about the K-SADS-COMP, it is very user-friendly. We have been using it for 3 months now in a clinical research project, and using it is a considerable improvement compared to the paper-and-pencil version.
Thank you for your work: I am one person among countless clinicians, patients, families and others that has benefited directly from being able to use the KSADS to provide meaningful case conceptualization.
I had been using a paper version of the KSADS for over a decade before switching to the KSADS-COMP in 2017. I’ll probably never use a paper version again. The KSADS-COMP respects people’s time, reduces bias, and has a living algorithm that rapidly adapts to changing diagnoses. Plus it’s got a nifty user interface. It’s helpful for research and teaching.
KSADS-COMP is the go-to diagnostic tool in our practice. We find it easy to use and love that there is an option for caregiver and child. We are grateful to have peace of mind when it comes to diagnosing and treatment planning because of the KSADS-COMP.
KSADS is not just a research anymore! It's now widely used in clinical practice to aid in the diagnosis and assessment of various mental health conditions in young people.
KSADS-COMP saves time and leverages your expertise with its invaluable tools. Click to read more...
Greatly increases access and reduces school personnel time to obtain an assessment. Click to read more...
Session Title: KSADS-COMP Web-Based Mental Health Assessment Tool
Friday, February 21, 2025
1:00 PM – 1:50 PM PST
Location: Hyatt Regency Seattle
Level: Level 5
Room: Quinalt Ballroom
The KSADS-COMP tools provide one-stop shopping for child mental health assessment for youth from preschool to high school. Bring a laptop/iPad and learn to use the KSADS-COMP, which evaluates all major psychiatric disorders, assesses suicidality, homicidality and key risk factors (e.g., trauma history, bullying, gender nonconformity, and access to guns). Presented by Joan Kaufman, first author on the paper-and pencil KSADS child and adolescent psychiatric diagnostic interview, which has been updated to a web-based format for in-person or remote clinician-administered or independent completion by caregivers and youth. This session is sponsored by KSADS-COMP.
Joan Kaufman, PhDKSADS-COMP, Inc
You will be now be redirected to our site where we require you to answer few questions to get started. We do not require credit card for the demo period.
This gives you access to KSADS-COMP for 30 days in all available languages.
Before your trial period expires, we will send you a reminder email with a link to purchase access to KSADS-COMP.
Please do not use this demo account on real patients, since the demo folder is not secured and is shared by other demo users.